Letter from the Editor: Delivering news round the clock

Jill BuchananJill Buchanan
Jill Buchanan
People expect news at their fingertips 24/7 nowadays. Whether it be on mobile phones, tablets, computers, TV, radio or good old fashioned newspapers, they expect to know what is going on immediately it happens.

And that’s exactly why we’ve had to adapt how we provide our news coverage in recent years.

Stories often appear online days before they appear in print, in fact, sometimes they never appear in print because by the time The Falkirk Herald hits the streets, they’ve been relegated to ‘old news’.

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I’m know that I wasn’t the only one attending last Thursday night’s Sisters fashion show raising cash for Strathcarron who was regularly checking their mobile phone for updates on the Falkirk match. A perfect example of how news can quickly reach people in a way it couldn’t ten years ago.

However, Tuesday’s incidents involving alleged hoax call threats to schools appeared to divide our readers on whether we should have been reporting the incident at all.

We reacted to calls from concerned parents who had received text messages from their children’s schools. Calls were made to Falkirk Council and Police Scotland. The response from the police was that schools across “central Scotland” were affected.

It eventually transpired schools in the Falkirk area were not involved, but that was not initially confirmed.

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We did what we always do, inform our readers of the current situation and update constantly.

But some people took exception to our reports.

So it seems we’re damned if we do report news and damned if we don’t.